A Goodbye Email from a Hardcore Programmer

21 Nov 2013

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I quit TCS. Today is my last day. I wanted my final goodbye email to be very special, unique and resemble what I did in TCS. This is what I sent to my colleagues today :)

 @author Premkumar Masilamani
 @company Tata Consultancy Services
 @about My Life in TCS
 @startDate 03-Nov-2004
 @endDate 21-Nov-2013

import com.hindustancollege.ComputerScienceDegree;
import com.love.programming.SoftwareEngineerDream;

public class PremsLifeInTCS extends SoftwareEngineerDream implements ComputerScienceDegree {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Phase 1 - Jobless Wanderer
    do {
      if (gotJobInTCS) {
        passedInterview = true;
    while (!passedInterview);

    // Phase 2 - Learning the Trade
    while (working12PlusHoursADay()) {

    // Phase 3 - Dollor Dreams
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
      if (yes) {
      else {

    // Phase 3 - Enjoy Life in US
    while (inUnitedStates) {
      if (tcsLostTheProject()) {

    // Phase 4 - Trying to fit in the corporate world
    if (foughtWithManager() || foughtWithClient() || notOKWithApplicationDesign() 
                    || workedFor2Years()) {
      switch (project) {
      case AMEX:
      case TEG:
      case TFS:
      case LandG:

    // Phase 5 - Kindling my romantic side
    while (notGoingToOffice()) {
      if (foundTheRightOne()) {
        marryHer("Love of my life");

    // Phase 6 - Becoming a family man
    while (inUnitedKingdom) {
      if (visaExpired) {


    // Phase 7 - Doing the inevitable
    if (!challengingWork() && !changingProject() && !learningNewTechnology() 
               && gotGoodOffer()) {
      sayGoodByeToTCS("Thanks to everyone in TCS");


  public static void pleaseKeepInTouch() {
    // viaFacebook("i-do-not-use-facebook");
    // viaTwitter("i-do-not-use-twitter");
    if (emergency) {

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